This guy makes me feel like pushing through the streets. Not very often I get that feeling from a non-East Coast dude. Enjoy with a crepe for extra Frenchyness...
We'll keep it French for the ender today. JB has been ripping for years now. This is a part from a Cliche vid named Freedom Fries. Watch out for the head smack....ouch!
If you are into graf at all check out the the book below.
It is a compilation of graf writers with their tags. Real sweet layout done by Peter Sutherland of the book/dvd Pedal and REVS ( one of my favorite writers). Included are KAWS, KR (of Krink fame), SKUF, 323, Nato, Earsnot, etc...Check it out!
I have always loved the art of tagging and have been getting back into writing again as I have the free time. Nothing like markers on walls, and the rush you get. Also the DIY is coming out in me again. I have been making my own ink and paint as well. Fun shit!
If you have not yet watched the Alien video Mind Field you are slipping. Kalis, AVE, Jake Johnson all kill shit. The rest of the squad also hold it it down. Can't forget Heath. As well as the Dinosaur Jr songs that make me think of Memory Screen.
If all that hard skating is not your cup of tea, check out a the Scrum Tily Lush out of Ireland. Not so much of trick based video, it is more about the whole act of skating. Spots, people, surroundings, etc. There are good skaters and each part is a different city.
I am still alive, just have not been very motivated to write anything lately. Been looking for graphic design programs to start but have had no luck. I am not paying $54K for an AS from the Art Institute since I already have a BA. I am looking for certificate programs. So if anybody knows any in the Long Beach/OC/LA area let me know. That is assuming anybody reads this.