Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bomb Hills

So here I sit on my break from class. It is a slightly cool, rainy winter morning in So Cal. I just finished presenting my latest project. This one was a personal artist statement done in InDesign (makes sense as this is an InDesign class). I think it came out pretty well. I do plan on posting some of my work up here in the near future.
Belated Happy New Year's to those of you who check in on this blog. So far I have had a pretty nice 2010. School is going well, we are already getting packed up for our big move back to Philly, and I have been skating again. Man, the 1st couple times back on the board were rough. Timing, balance, confidence all shot to hell. But as I kept going they have slowly started to come back. I was even able to get some letters on Blake (RedRoom!) in S.K.A.T.E. Then I ran out of flatground tricks. Never had the deepest bag but some of them are coming back...Also I have been out riding my bike again regularly. Nice to feel as motivated as I do these days. Oh yeah back to running the ankle brace as well...ah to be old.
In other random news, I reconnected with some long lost friends from SF State, thanks to the magic that is Facebook. It was rad to know they are still out there alive and well. What up Keith, Rawls and Cree!

Here are a few things that have me motivated to get out.

Kyle Nicholson - Philly's young street star.

Faust - handstyles for days. Reminds me that I need stickers.

Massan - MASH SF's resident smooth operator. Also has a dope photo blog. Check and then go bomb a hill.

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