Friday, December 5, 2008

Where are the cities...

So I am back. It seems like a long time since I wrote anything but it's really only been a few days. Things around here have been fairly quiet. Mostly just hanging with Raddles and riding bikes. I have been drawing a bit more lately. I feel more creative than ever (not that I am some artist) but it has been nice to rediscover photography and other outlets I used to have.

While we were in Philly for Thanksgiving I had some time to walk the city. It is still one of my favorite things to do. Walk around large cities and check out the people, styles, architecture and graffiti. I get to listen to the sounds, see the sights of city life not found in LA county. I miss it. The smells, the crowds, the anonymity, the cement and metal.
Out here is different. Driving almost everywhere leaves me disconnected. While walking through the city I felt connected, plugged in and hyper aware of my surroundings. Not in a nervous scared way, but in a take it all in and process it sort of way.

Since being back I have ventured to "downtown" Long Beach in order to stay connected. While it has some of the characteristics I am looking for, mostly it feels hollow. Too many chain stores, not enough independent business, almost nothing to offer in the way of shopping and a general stale atmosphere.

Where are the cities...?

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