Thursday, January 8, 2009

I should think less...

Still unemployed.
Not really even looking for jobs anymore...not much out there and what is there bums me out. So the days start to blend together and after awhile it all seems like one long day.
This is not a plea for sympathy. Don't feel bad for me I am not the only one in this sort of position. Many, many others are in this and way worse off than myself. It is a weird position for me as I'm not sure the last time I ever had a layoff lasting this long. Decisions need to be made and stuck with. The future is here now and it is scary. So much uncertainty in the future...

I have however been diggin up some Youtube gems from my formative skating years. Today we start with Matt Hensley. From H-Street's Hokus Pokus. This was a video I must have watched 1000's of times with my friends and alone. We soaked in all of it but mainly Hensley. We dressed like him, tried his tricks, the whole nine. Enjoy and go do a no-comply!

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